• Grade 2 - Year 2

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      Below are some lesson samples from our Year Two Course Week One. Additional instructions are provided when you purchase the graded course. These lesson activities can be completed in 3 or 4 days. This leaves more time for you to pursue individual interests and natural learning.

      Return to the Year Two course information and purchase page.

    • Weekly Lesson Sample Year 2

      Family Time and Read Alouds

      Poetry: A Book for Kids: Charming Gentleman and The Baker

      Classic Read Aloud: Dot and the Kangaroo: Chapter 1

      Music Appreciation

      This is a weekly activity. You can select from a number composers and musical pieces. Our Kindergarten children have a resource to teach you the basics of music appreciation.

      Art Appreciation

      This is a weekly activity. You can select the art work you wish to study as a family. Our Art Appreciation course comes with four year's worth of picture study suggestions.

      Primary Art Lessons

      New for 2024: Enjoy a series of step by step video lessons that will teach your child how to draw and paint. These are great to do as a group activity.

      Listen: World Languages Year 2 Links: Video French Numbers

      Year Two Subjects

      My Homeschool English Year 2: Week 1 & 2 provided

      New for 2024: This English resource has been written to follow the Australian Curriculum V9, the NSW Syllabus English (2023) and the ideas of Charlotte Mason. It also draws inspiration from The Writing Revolution and the Hochman method of teaching writing. All of this has been adapted to suit homeschoolers. It is a simple straightforward curriculum that cuts out the busy work and gets children writing, reading and thinking. My Homeschool English is simple to teach as it requires minimal preparation. You will need to be present to start a lesson as there is a lot of teacher/student interaction. In most cases one lesson shall represent one day’s work.

      Downunder Copywork 1

      Copywork is a key element of the My Homeschool English program. In Year 2 children continue to work on improving their handwriting style modelling Foundation Font, the recommended font for Australian schools. Literature includes passages that are thoughtfully selected using, quality, age appropriate, Australian and New Zealand poetry, fiction and non-fiction.

      First Math Lessons Year 2: Lessons 1- 4

      Offering 4 lessons per week, this is a full year maths course aligned to the Australian Curriculum v9 and the new 2022 NSW Syllabus. Inspired by the Charlotte Mason method and current good practice, it provides a range of hands-on activities for your child each week to practice and enjoy maths.

      Living Maths Links

      Includes additional hands-on maths activity and living math books to enjoy.

      Earth Science Conversations: Lesson 1

      Each week your child will discover something new about the Solar System. The goal is for them to get a basic understanding of the ideas presented and develop some scientific recording skills.

      Australian Book Traveller

      Australian history and geography unit study exploring Australia. Online links to picture books and downloadable map journal provided. History Makers, our world history resource is also offered in Term 1. This is optional.

      Notebooking Activities & Extensions

      Add the map marker to your map journal. Both these resources are provided with our courses.


      Enrichment Activities 

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      Here is a suggestion for how you could timetable your week.

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      Copywork is a key element of the My Homeschool English program. In Year 2 children continue to work on improving their handwriting style modelling Foundation Font, the recommended font for Australian schools.

      Our first resource, Downunder Copywork Book 1 begins with tracing words and then progresses to writing on lines below the text. There is a place for your students to make their own illustrations and a few pictures to colour in. Literature includes passages that are thoughtfully selected using, quality, age appropriate, Australian and New Zealand poetry, fiction and non-fiction

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      Offering 4 lessons per week, this is a full year maths course aligned to the Australian Curriculum v9 and the new 2022 NSW Syllabus. Inspired by the Charlotte Mason method and current good practice, it provides a range of hands-on activities for your child each week to practice and enjoy maths. This maths program is exclusive to My Homeschool and has been developed specifically for the homeschool setting. It will give you the confidence to teach the foundations of maths well.

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      Year 2 is the beginning of their chronological history studies which will be continued throughout primary school. More in-depth history studies will be covered again in the high school years.

      We use History Makers – Early Civilisations once per week. It includes short chapters for read aloud lessons and oral narration.

      After their history read aloud children make a timeline folder with  Ancient Civilisations Timeline Figures that match the period of history they have just studied. Our history timelines continue throughout Year 3 and 4.

      Bible History Makers: This is a brief overview of people and events that appear in ancient history and the Bible. It includes selected stories to read directly from the Bible, and then some additional Bible archaeology and history. Timeline figures are also included to add to your ancient history timeline.

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      This is a brief overview of people and events that appear in ancient history and the Bible. It includes selected stories to read directly from the Bible, and then some additional Bible archaeology and history. Timeline figures are also included to add to your ancient history timeline.

      Please Note: This is an optional Global Goodie and is not provided in the Lite edition.